3 Signs You’re Spending Too Much On Freight Shipping

Freight shipping might be pretty expensive for your company, especially if you ship out of a lot of products. It is definitely possible that your company is spending more on freight shipping than it should be, though. A few signs that your company could potentially make some changes and save money on freight shipping are listed here.

1. You Don't Use a Transportation Brokerage

If you are not currently using a transportation brokerage to make arrangements for shipping out your products, then you might not be getting the best deal. Using a transportation brokerage is a good way to score the lowest possible pricing on your freight shipping. Plus, there are other benefits that your company can make use of by using a transportation brokerage as well. For example, you might be able to find shipping options more quickly, which means you can get your products out faster. You may find that using a brokerage helps cut out a lot of the hard work and aggravation that can go along with finding a shipping company that suits your needs. Plus, if something goes wrong with one shipping option, then your brokerage can help set you up with another shipping option right away.

2. You Send Out Partial Loads

Sending out partial loads is usually not the most cost-effective way of shipping products, particularly if you are charged by the truckload. One way to get around this is to work with another area business to share a truckload. The other option is to try to time your shipping so that you are sending out full loads at one time. The cost savings for your company can be significant if you make one of these changes.

3. You Put Your Products In Too-Big Packaging

Lastly, you should consider how you package your products for shipping. If they are packaged in packaging that is too large, this can cost you more money in two different ways. For one thing, if you're charged by the size of your packages, you could be paying more for shipping than you should be. If you are charged by the load, then you probably aren't able to fit as many packages into each truckload because of the size of your packaging. In either scenario, packaging your items in smaller packages is a good way to reduce shipping costs.

Freight shipping can be costly, but there is a chance that your business is spending more money on it than what is necessary. The signs above can help you determine if changes should be made to the way that your company sends out its products.
