Going Out On The Town? Here’s 3 Ways To Get Around Safely

Going out for a night on the town can be a blast, but if you're expecting to drink, you know you can't drink and drive. Here are three ways to make sure you can get home safely without having to get behind the wheel. 

Grab a Bus Ticket

In cities and areas where buses are running, you can usually get them well into the evening. If you want to go to dinner and have a few drinks, catching a late-night bus back to your apartment or home might be a good idea. Bus tickets are generally affordable, and you and many others can travel together. Buses are a good choice when you have a larger group of people who won't fit into a single car; it cuts down on emissions and helps you all stay together. 

Have a Designated Driver or Person to Call

After bus stations shut down, there are only a few other options to get a ride. One is to have a designated driver with your group, and another is to have a person to call to come pick you up. For example, if you and your girlfriends are going out on the town, having a boyfriend or husband who is willing to pick you up from a late-night club might be a good option. If you are in a group and have one or two people who don't like to drink and several who do, designate one of those people as a driver for the day. This helps you make sure you all get home safely while still allowing you to go out and have a good time. 

Call a Local Taxi Service

No matter what time of day or night it is, a local taxi service offers rides to those who may have had a bit too much to drink. Taxi services can be scheduled in advance if you know you'll need one at a certain time. You can also call a taxi at the last minute if you find that you are unable to drive even though you thought you would be able to, missed a bus ride home, or no longer have someone in your party who can drive safely. Taxi services generally cost more than a bus ticket or catching a ride with a friend, but they offer around-the-clock service and will drop you off at your home, not a bus stop. For more information, contact companies like Union Taxi.

These are just a few ways to get around when you're out on the town; with these options, you can stay safe. 
